Sunday, September 4, 2011

Paper Clips

I guess my first post should explain my title.  Paper clips are one of the little things in life we take for granted, but they can make a big impact.We use them to stay organized: notes that belong together, bills with the payment, grocery list to the coupons, even marking our page in a book or calendar.  They can also be used in countless ways as makeshift tools: on a string to get the car keys out of the a/c register, as screwdriver or the end of one to fit in the tiny hole to re-boot electronic devices. Link them together to make jewlry, or the median for match box cars. The uses of paper clips are endless. I like to remember that the little things do matter, often more than we realize.

Paper clips took a special place in my heart, however, this winter when our middle child was attending Air Force Basic Military Instruction (The military can't be content to let us call it basic training anymore).  When he first arrived at basic he was, of course, homesick, scared and questioning his commitment to this career choice.  In an effort to help with his morale, I was sending notes every day. 
I remembered a time when he was a little boy of 4 or 5 and was having trouble keeping his room clean. Everyday, I would take away the toys that did not get put away.  Before long he had not a single toy in his room. I checked on him during nap time, certain he would be in bed as there was nothing left to play with in his room, I found him playing with a box of paper clips he found in his desk. Quite content and happy, he had a new toy and it was great, as good as the legos he was currently not allowed to play with. 
I recounted this story to my son in one of my letters and said, look for the paper clips at basic.  Find those little things that can brighten your day, and hold on to them.  After that, with every letter or card sent, I clipped a paper clip to the corner.  I also told any friends who were sending him notes to do the same.  By the end of basic he had a long chain of clips.  Each and every one of them was special because it said, "I love you! I know you can do this!"

This blog is to be my paper clips, a place to organize thoughts, store recipes, share stories, and remind myself of the good things I want to hang on to.

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